Pre-School & Kindergarten
The Faith Christian School Kindergarten was established to prepare students for elementary. Parents can choose to send their child for a full or half day. K4 and K5 meet together in the same classroom.
The subject material covered in kindergarten would include: Bible, Numbers, History, Science, Phonics, Reading, & Math.
A child must be 4 by September 1 to enter preschool, or 5 by September 1 to enter kindergarten
We endeavor for each student at FCS is to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, to be exposed to the truths of God's Word, and grow spiritually as well as academically.
Elementary: Grades 1st - 6th
At Faith Christian School the elementary classes are combined by 1st & 2nd, 3rd & 4th, and 5th &6th. Bible, Math, Language, Science, History, Spelling, Reading, P.E., and music would be offered during the year. On Wednesdays, the elementary assemble together for chapel. The purpose of the elementary is to build a strong academic base. Spiritually, our goal is for each student to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, to be exposed to the truths of God's word, and to encourage spiritual growth.
Junior High: Grades 7th-8th
Junior High can be a very difficult time in a young person's life. It is our desire to see each student make a smooth transition from elementary to high school. There is a change from being in one classroom to being in many different rooms, adjusting to different teachers, different styles of teaching, and the opportunity to be involved in sports.
Academically, students will continue to build on the groundwork established in elementary and prepare them for the high school course of study.
Academic Subjects Taught: American History, World History, Earth Science, Life Science, Math 7, Pre-Algebra, English, Literature, Spelling, Choir, Drama, Physical Education, Keyboarding, and Bible.
Senior High: Grades 9th-12th
Senior High can be some of the most enjoyable years in a young person's life. Although each of us was born with a sin nature, we try to promote a haven for students to develop academically and spiritually without having the negative influences of the world in the classrooms.
Academic Subjects Required: 4 years of Bible, 4 years of English (Includes- Grammar, Literature, Spelling, Vocabulary, and Poetry), 3 years of a Social Studies (U.S. History, World History, Geography, Economics, Current Events, Civics), Citizenship Test, 3 years of Science (Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics), 3 years of Math (Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, Advanced Math I, Advanced Math II, and Consumer Math), 4 years of Physical Education (PE, Health, and First Aid), a 1/2 credit in the area of Fine Arts (Choir, Drama), and Foreign Language. Electives: Choir, Keyboarding (if not taken in JH), Home Economics, Woodworking, Yearbook, Teacher's Aid, and Speech.
Listed are the minimum requirements for graduation:
Fine Arts………..………….. 1/2
Foreign Language…......…1
First Aid ........................1/4
Social Studies………....…...3
Total 25

The FCS QUEST is part of the FCS Experience! All 9th-12th graders will have the opportunity to see 4 American Landmarks and 8 Christian Universities before they graduate.
There are 4 trips that rotate each year. We strive to make these trips educational, helpful, and enjoyable.
4 Quest Trips:
Year 2024-2025:
Washington D.C.
Liberty University, VA
Bob Jones University, SC
Year 2025-2026:
Grand Canyon
Colorado Christian University, CO
United States "Airforce" Academy, CO
Year 2026-2027:
New York City
Grace College, IN
Cedarville University, OH
Year 2027-2028:
Mount Rushmore / Yellowstone
Northwestern University, MN
Faith Baptist Bible College, IA